A Guide to Men Who Want to Truly Make Love to a Women

(Things you might not know) The fact that you are reading this speaks volumes. I appreciate your desire to make love to a woman with more adeptness. You are a treasure indeed! There’s a very important point to remember when considering how to approach a woman. It’s something that you might not have considered before.Continue reading “A Guide to Men Who Want to Truly Make Love to a Women”

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here’s wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day! I must confess, it’s not my favorite holiday. There is too much weight of expectations loaded onto one day. It’s a day when you “should” be happy, you “should” have sex, you “should” receive gifts from a beloved. It’s a miracle that anyone actually does that, what withContinue reading “Happy Valentine’s Day!”

How to Talk to a Partner About Doing Work Together

In the work that I do, helping people experience a more blissful relationship, I often find that one partner is more interested than the other in doing work with me. I recently had a conversation with a woman who wanted to work with me along with her husband, but she thought he would be resistantContinue reading “How to Talk to a Partner About Doing Work Together”

It Hasn’t Always Been Easy

If you’ve been seeing my posts then you know that I’m crazy in love with my partner John. And even though we are blissfully happy with each other, and even though I’ve taught sacred sexuality for 30 years, with around 15,000 client sessions, it hasn’t always been easy. There was a time a few yearsContinue reading “It Hasn’t Always Been Easy”

What If It Could Be Fun?

What if it could be fun? Luscious Loving doesn’t have to be a lot of work. In fact, it’s better if it’s fun. Things flow more easily, and we’re way more motivated by fun than by doing “work”. This is a message I got from someone who attended my last Luscious Loving intro evening withContinue reading “What If It Could Be Fun?”

Sex Is More Than Physical

Sex is so much more than physical! And it’s a good thing that it is! If it was nothing more than rubbing body parts together, it would get boring pretty quickly. There are only so many ways that you can make it different — different positions, different partners. It still becomes limited. But when youContinue reading “Sex Is More Than Physical”

Every Couple Has the Potential

Every couple has the potential to have a relationship that brings them joy. A relationship where both partners nurture and value their connection. Intimacy, both emotional and physical, is actively sought. I’ve worked with couples with all kinds of stumbling blocks that seem to prevent them from being able to have this for themselves: IfContinue reading “Every Couple Has the Potential”

Loving Only One

When I was learning about sacred sexuality, in Marin County, California in the 90’s, the community there was very polyamorous. The workshops encouraged moving from partner to partner, experimenting with what gifts different people had to offer you. There was a lot of freedom there, and also a lot of relationship drama — side attractions,Continue reading “Loving Only One”

A Little Help From My Friends

Luscious Loving is getting a little help from my friends! I’m excited to announce that my upcoming couple’s group is going to be deeply enriched by two of my favorite people in the world. My beloved partner, John Thompson, will be joining me each session to assist with teaching about the ins and outs (punContinue reading “A Little Help From My Friends”


“That group changed my life!”“You changed my life.”“The group was life-changing.” Almost 30 years ago, for several years, I taught a series of sacred sexuality groups with my partner-at-the-time, Kevin Braheny Fortune (still my land partner and dear friend). This was through the school we founded, the Center for Divine Passion. Recently I’ve been inContinue reading “Life-Changing!”