
Sometimes it can be hard to make fundamental changes in such a sensitive area as your sexuality. You may be surrounded by people who won’t support such changes because it threatens their own beliefs and limitations.

Most of our culture has an attitude towards sexuality that is based upon shame and repression. And that repression leads to obsession, which is the other side of the same coin.

This is one way that a group can be very helpful. Imagine how much easier it would be to open up your sexuality, to be free and empowered, if you are supported by a group of people doing the same. A group where you can share your struggles and your breakthroughs, where you can be cheered on and held when you are challenged. Where you can talk authentically about your deepest secrets and be met without judgement. And where you can hear the secrets of others and realize that you are not alone.

I offer these groups to support your growth in just that way.

For those who identify as women:

Opening . . . (An Online 3-Month Group)

For couples:

A Taste of Luscious Loving  (a 3-hour workshop)

Luscious Loving      (a 3-month online group)

Living Luscious Loving    (a 6-month online group)